Gina Thorne, MS
Chief Marketing Officer
Gina is the daughter of a Cuban political refugee, who taught her that perseverance and a strong work ethic yield value-driven results.
Gina adopted a Servant Leader approach in working with others, and over her 30-year career has focused her efforts on mentoring individuals, empowering them to first realize their potential and then help them build a roadmap to their genius. Her leadership, marketing, and operations experience is diverse, with contributions to both private and public sector organizations, hospitals, and institutions of higher learning in Florida, New York, Ohio, Virginia, and Colorado.
Gina joins the team by contributing her expertise in leadership development and coaching, digital marketing, business development, branding, design, and execution of organizational strategic planning to the mission of transforming Simplifyance into the provider of choice for compliance and training. A full-time travel adventurer, Gina lives to inspire others to pursue their “someday” aspirations now.
Get To Know Gina...
Q: What is the best advice you have received in your career that has helped you feel successful?
A: You are not that important. When I think I am more important than I really am, I make it difficult for others to be successful. I always believe that no one person in any organization is so important that if they left, the company would fall apart. When I learned that I was not that important, it allowed me to delegate and help others grow to their fullest potential.
Q: What is one or two ways you find to decompress from a full day of work?
A: I will relax, watch TV, or go for a hike or walk. Checking out from thinking is super important. Finding ways to be quiet and meditate gives me clarity.
Q: What is the book(s) you've given most as a gift, and why?
A: The book I gift most often is Failing Forward by John Maxwell. As a recovering perfectionist, I have found this book to be a fundamental resource for anyone who struggles with failure. It has greatly influenced my life and helped me to grow personally and professionally.